The Declaration:
Continuity & Commerce
A Coolidge Foundation Conference
at the Library of Congress
January 10, 2025
Introductions: Historians and policymakers opened the conference with reflections on the Declaration
Matthew Denhart, President, Coolidge Foundation
Sherri Sheu, Historian, Library of Congress
Gov. James H. Douglas, 80th Governor of Vermont
Hon. Kurt Schmoke, 47th Mayor of Baltimore
America’s Dutch and English Heritage: The ideas that invigorated the American Founding did not spring into existence ex nihilo. English and Dutch traditions crossed the Atlantic with the Pilgrims and New Amsterdam merchants.
Moderator: Garland Tucker, Author, 1924
Michael Barone, Author, Our First Revolution
Samuel Gregg, Friedrich Hayek Chair in Economics & Economic History, AIER
Judge Janice Rogers Brown, D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, retired
Jerry Z. Muller, Professor Emeritus, Catholic University of America
The Colonies Find Their Footing and Build Institutions: America’s colonists did not passively receive Dutch and British political traditions. They put them into practice for generations before Parliament’s usurpations triggered the Revolution.
Moderator: Christopher DeMuth, Distinguished Fellow, Heritage Foundation
Christopher DeMuth, Distinguished Fellow in American Thought, Heritage Foundation
Danielle Allen, Professor of Political Philosophy, Public Policy, & Ethics, Harvard University
Yuval Levin, Director of Social, Cultural, & Constitutional Studies, AEI
Rich Lowry, Editor in Chief, National Review
Luncheon Address
Coolidge Applies the Principles of the Declaration
Amity Shlaes
The Framing of the Declaration and Roads not Taken: The Founders crafted their Declaration to honor continuity as much as revolution. In subsequent Founding documents, including the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they again both honored liberty and imposed limits on future revolt.
Moderator: Roger Ream, President & CEO, The Fund for American Studies
Dr. Paul Winfree, Emeritus Dean, James Madison College at Michigan State University
Allen Guelzo, Thomas W. Smith Distinguished Research Scholar, James Madison Program, Princeton University
John Berlau, Author, George Washington, Entrepreneur
Hon. French Hill, Congressman, Arkansas (AR-02)
The Framing of the Declaration and Roads not Taken: The beginning of the Twentieth Century brought progressivism, a shift away from traditional interpretations of the Founding documents and American law.
Moderator: Amb. Richard Graber, President & CEO, Bradley Foundation
Judge Edith Jones, Federal Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
Hon. Christopher Cox, Author, Woodrow Wilson: The Light Withdrawn
Bradley C.S. Watson, Associate Professor of Government, Hillsdale College
Judge Chad Readler, Federal Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, Sixth Circuit