“Calvin has not been a very good boy”
Calvin Coolidge writing to his father: April 3, 1921.
Calvin comments here on his father’s upcoming trip to Northampton to deal with John’s and Calvin, Jr.’s academic issues. With Grace and Calvin in Washington, DC attending to their political and social responsibilities, 14 year John and 13 year old Calvin, Jr. were attending high school in Northampton. After the close of the school year in June, both boys were moved closer to the vice president and began attending Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania.
John “failed to pass in his Latin” and Coolidge thinks the boy “had better stop going to dances until he gets a good mark.” He also advises his father to give the boy “a good talking to” and also to speak with his Latin teacher, Prof. Roote. Clarence Roote was the principal emeritus of Northampton High School and still taught Latin there.
Calvin, Jr. was apparently sick and had to “go to bed March 17 and his deportment was not very good in school… You better see his teacher.”