“Strange animal”
Calvin Coolidge writing Grace from New York: December 7, 1932.
The next three letters are the last between Calvin and Grace. The President died suddenly on January 5, 1933. Coolidge was in the city as chairman of the National Transportation Committee, which held meetings December 7-9 at the Empire State Building. The non-partisan Committee was set up by President Hoover in 1932 to deal with, among other things, regulation of the railroads.
Coolidge often wooed his wife with accounts of animals. Here, he encloses a newspaper clipping from the New York Sun of a red panda belonging to animal collector I. S. Horne of California, saying that the panda is “Tim’s cousin.” Tim refers to Coolidge’s red chow, “Tiny Tim.” Although the Coolidges were known for their white collies while in the White House, as private citizens they had 2 chows: Tiny Tim and Blackberry.