Recent Articles
Mellon, Coolidge, and the push for the first supply-side tax reforms
Reassessing the 28th president
The regulatory state’s terrifying overreach
Do Coolidge’s investments reveal a man who saw a crash coming?
The truth about the stock market crash of 1929
The moral necessity for limits on majority rule
The reaction against conservatism of an earlier era
A revelatory look at a complex Founder
Coolidge, Earhart, Lindbergh, and the hope of invention
Looking to America’s protectionist past to make sense of the present
Mary Anastasia O’Grady on the economic and political costs of tariffs
Why Republican presidents from Lincoln to Hoover embraced tariffs
The Forgotten Book
A column by Amity Shlaes
We’re still living in Lyndon Johnson’s America
get the coolidge review print magazine
The print edition of the COOLIDGE REVIEW appears twice a year, in the summer and the winter.
The COOLIDGE REVIEW gives you history you can trust at a time when most of what passes for history is badly distorted.
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