Tracy Messer
In the spring of 2017, Tracy Messer, a living history performer from Peterborough, New Hampshire, made his very first appearance as Calvin Coolidge. Perhaps the question people ask him most often is, "Why did you choose to become the next 30th President of the United States?"
He'll answer with a smile, "I was born to play this role!" Tracy was born and raised in the Washington, D.C. area, where his maternal grandfather worked for the United States Department of Agriculture, starting with the Coolidge administration. When his mother was a little girl, she joined in the annual Easter celebrations on the White House lawn, where President and Mrs. Coolidge welcomed the children. Meanwhile, his father was born in greater Boston right about the time Calvin Coolidge was about to become Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. In fact, Tracy's great-grandfather once lived in the Coolidge's hometown of Northampton, Massachusetts!
Tracy's parents and grandparents had great respect and affection for Calvin Coolidge. His dad and grandfathers shared many of the traditional New England characteristics for which our 30th President was so well-known: men of few words who spent their time and money wisely; loyal to their families and communities; honest; hard-working; and polite gentlemen who cherished lifelong education and appreciated the beauty of New England in all its seasons. Tracy and his family admired the view of Mount Ascutney from their old farmhouse in New Hampshire just like Calvin Coolidge did from his own farmhouse in Plymouth Notch, Vermont. Perhaps what Tracy loves most about Mr. Coolidge is his common sense and his sense of humor.
Tracy was not the first person to portray Calvin Coolidge. His friend and mentor, Jim Cooke has been keeping President Coolidge's memory alive and well for the past thirty years until his retirement in 2015. With encouragement from Jim, the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation, and the Coolidge family, Tracy was honored by the invitation to become the next 30th President of the United States. When asked if he was ready for the job, he replied in the words of Calvin Coolidge, "I think I can swing it."
Welcome, Tracy, and welcome, Mr. President!