“You are required to have a grade of C”
Calvin Coolidge writing his son, John: May 24, 1926.
Coolidge instructs his son to “enroll yourself” in the University of Vermont’s summer school. John did go to summer school at UVM for two summers, 1926 and 1927. In 1927 he will take a course in English literature. Coolidge mentions that he and Grace “expect to be in the Adirondacks” for the summer of 1926. They stayed at the White Pine Camp in the St. Regis Lake district of New York from July to September.
At the end of the letter, Coolidge yet again admonishes his son to keep up on his studies: “Reports keep coming to me that you are spending more time at some other fraternity house than you are your own. I hope you will not let anything of that kind interfere with your college work.” It is unclear how Coolidge was receiving these reports, but, in the fall of 1926, reports were easier for Coolidge to get as John had a Secret Service agent with him at all times. The New York Times reported on October 16, 1926 that the agent was needed “due to threatening letters received by President Coolidge or his son.” The agent was a constant companion, “except for the time he spends in classes and on a few occasions during daylight hours.”